Tired of battling with irregular, heavy, painful periods every month?

Struggling to make conception a reality?

It’s time to break free from the limitations that have held you back and embrace the possibility of a brighter future.

Our range of transformative programs, memberships, and one to one coaching are all here to empower you on your path to healing and fertility success.

Say goodbye to debilitating menstrual symptoms, and hello to a normal, pain-free period.

Bid farewell to the uncertainty of infertility, and welcome the opportunity to conceive naturally.

And for those facing challenges with egg quality, let me guide you on a journey to

healing and the possibility of welcoming a healthy baby into your arms.

Interesting Facts

% of women have no idea how to improve their reproductive health

% of women do not understand their hormones or how to rebalance them

% of women do not track or know how to track their cycle

% of women do not understand the importance of ovulation

% of women do not know how long their cycle is or the relevance of it

% of women do not know when their next period is expected

One to One Coaching

In Depth Consultation

Nutritional Plan

Cycle Tracking

Supplement Information

De Stress Routine

And More

Best for women interested in an in depth plan and guidance on how to heal. Clients will finish coaching sessions feeling guided and ready to make the changes necessary for their self healing journey!

Workshops & Courses

Cycle Tracking 101

Trying to Conceive

Navigating IVF

Gut Health

Cycle Syncing Your Workouts

Heal Your Hormones

And More

Best for women interested in learning the content in group sessions or through self paced courses. Clients will finish feeling confident and prepared to make the changes necessary for their self healing journey!

Membership Program

Have access to:

All Courses & Workshops

Nutritional Plans

Monthly Challenges

Meditation and Tapping Sessions

Live Workshops with Guest Specialty Speakers

Amazing Community of Women

Networking events


And More

Best for women interested in being a part of a whole community focused on learning and healing!

Ready to Transform Your life?


"Working with Mya has been amazing! I didnt realize how much of my lifestyle was contributing to my inability to conceive. Her approach is holistic and I felt supported every step of the way. I highly recommend her to anyone struggling with fertility issues."

Synthia Jones

"Thanks to Mya, I now understand how to eat right for my reproductive health. Her meal plans and nutritional advice were a game-changer for me. After implementing her recommendations, my cycle regulated, and we were able to conceive naturally. I can't thank her enough!"

Alexandria Hunter

"Mya's expertise in hormone healing and reproductive health is eye opening. All women should take her courses to understand their cycle! By following her tailored plan, I balanced my hormones and significantly improved my menstrual cycle, now I have no period pain!"

Venessa Alveraz

"Mya helped me tune into my body's natural rhythms and optimize my fertility. Her holistic approach and personalized care made me feel very comfortable. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking to improve their reproductive health."

Kashvi Patel

2024 www.femfoundation.com